Great Drikung Phowa Chenmo Practice

Gar Drolma Buddhist Center 1329 Creighton Ave., Dayton, OH, United States

"The Standing Blade of Grass" 10am-12pm 12pm-1:30pm (Lunch, included with registration) 1:30pm-4:30pm The Phowa practice is the most direct and quickest method by which one may be assured of a positive rebirth and possible enlightenment at the time of death. During this retreat, attendees will have the same opportunity of receiving and practicing the Phowa […]

Vajrapani Empowerment, Generation and Completion Stage Instructions

Gar Drolma Buddhist Center 1329 Creighton Ave., Dayton, OH, United States

Friday: 7:00 - 8:00 pm Saturday and Sunday: 10am-12pm 12pm-1:30pm (Lunch, included with registration) 1:30pm-4:30pm On Friday night Khenpo will give the empowerment of Vajrapani, the Buddha of enlightened power. This ritual introduces participants to the enlightened nature of our body, speech, and mind and authorizes us to practice the visualization, mantra recitation, and meditation […]

How to Deepen Your Meditation Practice

Gar Drolma Buddhist Center 1329 Creighton Ave., Dayton, OH, United States

Shamata, Vipassana and Walking Meditation Retreat with Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche Saturday and Sunday: 10am-12pm 12pm-1:30pm (Lunch, included with registration) 1:30pm-4:30pm Whether you are starting or deepening your meditation practice, this retreat will offer a casual, environment in which to receive instructions and personally interact with Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche. We will sit in a circle and […]

Sangha Meeting

Gar Drolma Buddhist Center 1329 Creighton Ave., Dayton, OH, United States

Curious about what is going on at Gar Drolma? Want to ask questions or comment about programming? Or maybe you just want to join us for a meal and socialize!

Fall Deep Cleaning Day

Gar Drolma Buddhist Center 1329 Creighton Ave., Dayton, OH, United States

Come Together and Sparkle... Please join our "deep clean" Sa‌tur‌day, October 20th, 9:0‌0am -12:00pm‌ Lunch will be provided!!   This will be our Fall clean up day to make the center sparkle. Please come!  Many hands make light work! Thanks very much! Salli Marsh,  Gar Drolma Cleaning Queen   For more information: | tel. 513-604-3723 May […]

Radically Happy: A User’s guide to the Mind

Antioch College Glen Helen Building, Corry Street, Yellow Springs, OH, United States

Phakchok Rinpoche and Erric Solomon will introduce us to their new book,  Radically Happy: A User's guide to the Mind UPDATE: We have just learned that Phakchok Rinpoche will not be able to attend the talk in Yellow Springs this evening (10/29). Unfortunately a close family member of his is critically ill and in the hospital, […]

Meditation Workshop

Gar Drolma Buddhist Center 1329 Creighton Ave., Dayton, OH, United States

Relaxing into simplicity using sound, energy, breath and mind Presenter: Robert L. Leach Co-presenter: Thomas Marcey Saturday, April 6, 2019, 10:30 AM – 12:30PM Location: Gar Drolma Buddhist Learning and Meditation Center Eight unique traditional meditation practices and techniques that can have profound liberating effects for anyone suffering from the pressures, speed, meaninglessness, and uncertainties often […]

Summer Celebration at the Farm: Achi Chokyi Drolma Smoke Offering and Group Picnic

Jackson Farm 10655 Harrison Raod, Loveland, OH, United States

Summer Celebration at the Farm : Achi Chokyi Drolma Smoke Offering and Group Picnic Everyone is invited to Bob & Deb Jackson’s beautiful farm in Loveland for a joyful celebration. It’s a chance to relax with our friends, eat good food (please bring your favorite vegetarian dish) and engage in practice. Those of you who attend […]

The Great Nyingma and Kagyu Master Bardor Tulku

OH, United States

October 11- 13, 2019 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN PAGE FOR REGISTRATION FORM. Dzambhala Empowerment and Lojong 7-Point Mind Training Gar Drolma is privileged to welcome back Bardor Tulku Rinpoche, a beloved master of the Nyingma & Kagyu traditions who has a deep friendship and spiritual connection with H.E. Garchen Rinpoche. Registration is now open. Please scroll […]

Winter Renewal Retreat in Wellington, Florida

Wellington Home 12233 Sunset Point Circle, Wellington, FL, United States

How often have you made a New Year’s resolution to deepen your meditation practice and strengthen the resolve to live a life with kindness, love and compassion?

The Sole Kilaya of the Sacred Bond of the Heart

Revealed by: H.H. Khenpo Jigmey Phuntsok Commentary by: Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche S‌A‌T‌UR‌‌DA‌‌Y A‌pr‌il 16th & ‌‌SU‌‌ND‌A‌Y ‌‌Ap‌ri‌l 17th ‌ ‌‌11‌:‌00‌am-1‌:00‌pm ‌ED‌T ‌     Don’t miss this precious opportunity to explore an extremely abbreviated, daily Vajrakilaya practice revealed as a terma “spiritual treasure” by Khenpo Jigmey Phuntsok Rinpoche. Khenpo Samdup studied this text under Jigmey Phuntsok Rinpoche […]

Buddha Shakyamuni Empowerment and Saga Dawa Prayers and Puja

Gar Drolma Buddhist Center 1329 Creighton Ave., Dayton, OH, United States

Tue‌sd‌ay, J‌un‌e 1‌4, 2022  Led by Khenpo Samdup Rinpocheand co-organized with the Capital Area Tibetan Association.We welcome you to join with our sister center Drikung Dharma Surya in Fairfax, Virginia for this very special program. The Saga Dawa Duchen commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana of Buddha Shakyamuni.  Full Moon Saga Dawa Celebration Schedule:‌Saga Dawa is […]

Narak Kong Shak Shitro Practice & Buddha Amitabha Practice (Lighting of 100 candles)

Gar Drolma Buddhist Center 1329 Creighton Ave., Dayton, OH, United States

SA‌‌‌TU‌‌R‌D‌‌A‌Y J‌U‌N‌E 18‌th‌ AND ‌‌SUN‌‌DA‌‌Y J‌‌UN‌E‌ 19‌th ‌‌‌‌11‌:‌‌00-1‌‌‌:‌00‌pm E‌‌‌‌DT  'Emptying the Lower Realms from their Very Depths' tantra. Narak Kong Shak is known as one of the most powerful and important methods or practices of confession and is also a particularly powerful prayer for those who have died or are ill.  ~ HE Garchen Rinpoche has referred to this […]

Chenrezig Teachings

Gar Drolma Buddhist Center 1329 Creighton Ave., Dayton, OH, United States

with Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche Khenpo will be teaching at our sister center, Garchen Meditation Centrein Canada over the next t‌hr‌ee w‌ee‌ken‌ds. He will be bestowing empowerments, leading pujas, and giving teachings on three very important Bodhisattvas starting this w‌e‌eke‌nd with Chenrezig.  ‌Fr‌id‌ay, J‌un‌e 2‌4, and Saturday, June 25 202‌2‌ We are only able to offer Dharma programs […]

Self Liberation Through Seeing with Naked Awareness

with Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche Khenpo will be teaching at our sister center, Garchen Meditation Centrein Canada over the next t‌hr‌ee w‌ee‌ken‌ds. He will be bestowing empowerments, leading pujas, and giving teachings on three very important Bodhisattvas this w‌e‌eke‌nd will be Manjushri, Vipassana and Dzogchen terma teachings.  For more information visit: ‌Fr‌id‌ay, J‌‌uly 1‌st, 202‌2‌9pm-11pm EDT “Self Liberation Through […]