Practices and Prayers

Links to viewable and downloadable text PDFs and Audio Recordings.
(Also available on each event’s page via the Video Teachings page.)

Click Arrow or Title to Play. Roll over dots to download.

Text Files

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A – M

Achi Practice Rev 2-14-20

Achi Sadhana – Español

Amitabha Sadhana

Bardo Thodol Part One

Bardo Thodol Part Two

Bardo Thodol Entire Text Tibetan-English


Buddha Shakyamuni Sadhana – Español

Buddha’s Concise Teachings

Buddhist Glossary Terms

Concise Shitr’o Yangzab

Concise Preliminaries

Confession Before the Thirty-Five Buddhas

Daily Practice Texts and Page Turning

Daily Prayer and Practice Book 2021 v12

Daily Guru Yoga Practice of Milarepa by Pawopa

Deity Yoga Sadhanas V13

Dewachen Prayer Metered English

Dream Yoga Commentary

Drikung Kagyu Phowa Text V14

Eight Verses of Training the Mind

Empowerment of Samadhi by Jigten Sumgon

Ganges Mahamudra Trilingual

Gampopa – Clarifying the Four Dharmas

Gampopa – 4 Dharmas of Gampopa

Gampopa – Guru Yoga, All Sources Blessing

Gampopa – Lord Jigten Sumgon

Garchen Enlightenment Stupa

Great Perfection Mañjuśrī

Guru Padmasambhava’s Pointing Out Instruction Given to the Old Woman

Guru Rinpoche Peaceful Practice

Gyalpo Rinpoche Nyungne

Jang Chog Full Text

Jigten Sumgon’s Song of the Realisation of the Five Limbs of Mahāmudrā (with Phonetic Tibetan)

Ksitigarbha Visualization and Mantra

Ksitigarbha, Praise Of

Lama Chopa Sadhana BK

Marmé Mönlam

Medicine Buddha (3 Languages)

Milarepa songs 12, 13

Milarepa Songs 9,10,11

Milarepa Songs 6,7,8

Milarepa Songs: Challenge from a Wise Demoness

Milarepa: The Song of the Snow Ranges

Milarepa Songs: The Tale of Red Rock Jewel Valley

Milarepa Songs: The Journey to Lashi

Mountain Smoke Offering