Illustration Dimensions: 16 x 24.5 ”
Overall Dimensions: 26.5 x 55″
Bottom Rod: 33″
Amitayus, or the Buddha of Boundless Life, is the Sambhogakaya aspect of Buddha Amitabha. He is associated with longevity practice to overcome the power that death and ignorance have over us so that we may realize our primordially enlightened nature. His mantras are frequently included near the end of Phowa sadhanas that are practiced by those who aspire to be reborn in Amitabha Pure Land or Dewachen.
Amitayus is also known as one of three popular longevity deities practiced in the Tibetan tradition, including White Tara and Unishavijaya. Sincerely practicing a sadhana of Amitayus is said to help eliminate all obstacles to long life such as sickness and pain and pacify the possibility of untimely or premature death.
Like Buddha Amitabha, Amitayus is red in color. He holds a vessel containing amrita or the nectar of long life.
Illustration Dimensions: 16 x 24.5 ”
Overall Dimensions: 26.5 x 55″
Bottom Rod: 33″