White Sur Offering called Pervading All Purelands (Online Only)
~The time of death can be an opportunity for the realization of great wisdom or taking a happier rebirth ~• Join us for a White Sur offering lead by senior […]
~The time of death can be an opportunity for the realization of great wisdom or taking a happier rebirth ~• Join us for a White Sur offering lead by senior […]
Gar Drolma invites students of all levels who wish to explore Buddhism and meditation to a new in-person program.
This retreat will be focused on practice of the fundamental meditation techniques of Vipassana (insight) meditation.
Khenpo will also explain how to use traditional techniques of Vipassana, analysis and investigation to come to understand and directly experience the fundamental nature of mind and phenomena.
Gar Drolma invites students of all levels who wish to explore Buddhism and meditation to a new in-person program.
Khenpo will share short instructions that Buddha gave his disciples while in Shravasti, India and will continue his explanation of how to use traditional techniques of Vipassana.
Khenpo will share short instructions that Buddha gave his disciples while in Shravasti, India and will continue his explanation of how to use traditional techniques of Vipassana.
~The time of death can be an opportunity for the realization of great wisdom or taking a happier rebirth ~• Join us for a White Sur offering lead by senior […]
Gar Drolma invites students of all levels who wish to explore Buddhism and meditation to a new in-person program.
Khenpo will share short instructions that Buddha gave his disciples while in Shravasti, India and will continue his explanation of how to use traditional techniques of Vipassana.
This popular practice helps assure a more positive rebirth, or possibly even attainment of Amitabha Pureland, at the time of death. Times for the June Phowa are subject to change.
Khenpo will share short instructions that Buddha gave his disciples while in Shravasti, India and will continue his explanation of how to use traditional techniques of Vipassana.
Gar Drolma invites students of all levels who wish to explore Buddhism and meditation to a new in-person program.
Khenpo will share short instructions that Buddha gave his disciples while in Shravasti, India and will continue his explanation of how to use traditional techniques of Vipassana.
Khenpo will share short instructions that Buddha gave his disciples while in Shravasti, India and will continue his explanation of how to use traditional techniques of Vipassana.
~The time of death can be an opportunity for the realization of great wisdom or taking a happier rebirth ~• Join us for a White Sur offering lead by senior […]
Gar Drolma invites students of all levels who wish to explore Buddhism and meditation to a new in-person program.
Khenpo is traveling to Rajgir (Vulture Peak) in India, where Buddha turned the second wheel of dharma, offering The Heart Sutra and other Prajnaparamita teachings.
This popular practice helps assure a more positive rebirth, or possibly even attainment of Amitabha Pureland, at the time of death. Times for the June Phowa are subject to change.
Khenpo is traveling to Rajgir (Vulture Peak) in India, where Buddha turned the second wheel of dharma, offering The Heart Sutra and other Prajnaparamita teachings.
Gar Drolma invites students of all levels who wish to explore Buddhism and meditation to a new in-person program.