The Four Dharmas of Gampopa with Khenchen Konchog Gyaltshen 

Gar Drolma Buddhist Center 1329 Creighton Ave., Dayton, OH, United States

Khenchen will be presenting The Four Dharmas of Gampopa based upon the commentaries by Lord Jigten Sumgon. These commentaries on this classic text encompasses the complete path of Dharma and as taught by Khenchen in a clear, accessible, compassionate and complete way. 

Vipassana Meditation Retreat

Gar Drolma Buddhist Center 1329 Creighton Ave., Dayton, OH, United States

This retreat will be focused on practice of the fundamental meditation techniques of Vipassana (insight) meditation.  

Khenpo will also explain how to use traditional techniques of Vipassana, analysis and investigation to come to understand and directly experience the fundamental nature of mind and phenomena.

Heart Sutra Teachings at Vulture Peak with Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche

Gar Drolma Buddhist Center 1329 Creighton Ave., Dayton, OH, United States

Khenpo is traveling to Rajgir (Vulture Peak) in India, where Buddha turned the second wheel of dharma, offering The Heart Sutra and other Prajnaparamita teachings. 

Heart Sutra Teachings at Vulture Peak with Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche

Gar Drolma Buddhist Center 1329 Creighton Ave., Dayton, OH, United States

Khenpo is traveling to Rajgir (Vulture Peak) in India, where Buddha turned the second wheel of dharma, offering The Heart Sutra and other Prajnaparamita teachings. 

Guru Yoga Teachings & Practice

Gar Drolma Buddhist Center 1329 Creighton Ave., Dayton, OH, United States

On S‌at‌ur‌da‌y Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche will teach from the Lama Chopa Guru Yoga practice. Lama Chopa, Jigten Sumgon Guru Yoga, is a profound and powerful means of cultivating our inner wisdom and compassion through the blessings of our spiritual teachers.  

On S‌un‌day‌, Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche will teach a special Garchen Rinpoche Guru Yoga. This practice is a powerful way to connect with the wisdom and blessings of Garchen Rinpoche, one of the most revered Tibetan Buddhist masters of our time.

Guru Yoga Teachings & Practice

Gar Drolma Buddhist Center 1329 Creighton Ave., Dayton, OH, United States

On S‌at‌ur‌da‌y Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche will teach from the Lama Chopa Guru Yoga practice. Lama Chopa, Jigten Sumgon Guru Yoga, is a profound and powerful means of cultivating our inner wisdom and compassion through the blessings of our spiritual teachers.  

On S‌un‌day‌, Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche will teach a special Garchen Rinpoche Guru Yoga. This practice is a powerful way to connect with the wisdom and blessings of Garchen Rinpoche, one of the most revered Tibetan Buddhist masters of our time.

6th Annual Guru Rinpoche Bhum Tsok & Guru Rinpoche Empowerment

Gar Drolma Buddhist Center 1329 Creighton Ave., Dayton, OH, United States

Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche will lead this profound practice to invoke the blessings of Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava. This Peaceful Padmasambhava prayer is very powerful for transforming anger and has vast merit, wisdom, and bodhicitta realization to remove outer, inner and secret obstacles. 

6th Annual Guru Rinpoche Bhum Tsok & Guru Rinpoche Empowerment

Gar Drolma Buddhist Center 1329 Creighton Ave., Dayton, OH, United States

Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche will lead this profound practice to invoke the blessings of Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava. This Peaceful Padmasambhava prayer is very powerful for transforming anger and has vast merit, wisdom, and bodhicitta realization to remove outer, inner and secret obstacles. 

6th Annual Guru Rinpoche Bhum Tsok & Guru Rinpoche Empowerment

Gar Drolma Buddhist Center 1329 Creighton Ave., Dayton, OH, United States

Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche will lead this profound practice to invoke the blessings of Guru Rinpoche, Padmasambhava. This Peaceful Padmasambhava prayer is very powerful for transforming anger and has vast merit, wisdom, and bodhicitta realization to remove outer, inner and secret obstacles. 

Vajrapani Empowerment & Practice for World Peace & Mahamudra Teachings

Gar Drolma Buddhist Center 1329 Creighton Ave., Dayton, OH, United States

Vajrapani is the Buddha of Powerful means. Through his blessings and inspiration we can gain the inner strength to face the world's daily problems and sufferings while eliminating our delusions, especially self-grasping ignorance, which continually robs us and our world of peace and happiness.

Vajrapani Empowerment & Practice for World Peace & Mahamudra Teachings

Gar Drolma Buddhist Center 1329 Creighton Ave., Dayton, OH, United States

Khenpo will share one of the beautful and profound teachings from Drikung Kyobpa Jigten Sumgön. These pith instructions pierce thru, illuminating the vital points of the dharma, the heart essence of the Buddha's teachings and nature of mind.