Illustration Dimensions: 11.5 x 16.75 ”
Overall Dimensions: 18.75 x 36″
Bottom Rod: 24″
Amitabha, the Buddha of Boundless Light, is one of the five Dhyani Buddhas representing five aspects of the enlightened mind. He represents the Dharma purifying the afflictions of desire and lust whereby the delusion of attachment is transformed into discriminating wisdom.
Amitabha is the color of brilliant rubies and sits in the Western direction in the mandala of the Dhyani Buddhas. He is considered the Lord of the Lotus Family and is seated in the lotus posture with his hands in the mudra of meditative contemplation holding a begging bowl. When depicted without the other four Dhyani Buddhas, he is frequently portrayed with the figures of white Chenrezig, the Lord of Compassion and blue Vajrapani, the Lord of Power, standing at the base of his throne.
Many Buddhist practitioners around the world aspire to be reborn in Dewachen (Skt: Sukhavati), the Western pureland of Amitabha. Compared to other Buddhas’ purelands, it is relatively easy to take rebirth there and offers the ideal circumstances for achieving enlightenment.
Illustration Dimensions: 11.5 x 16.75 ”
Overall Dimensions: 18.75 x 36″
Bottom Rod: 24″