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“Anger”, Your Compassionate Guru with Khenmo Konchog Nyima Drolma

December 9, 2017 - December 10, 2017

We would like to invite you to register for the weekend by Monday, December 4th to help us with our planning. Thank you! 
There will also be a public talk on Friday (click for more info) – no fee, donations are welcome.

Many are finding these chaotic times challenging. As practitioners, life is our best teacher. Because we have mind, we have emotions and they can and do become our guru as we apply the Dharma. Khenmo will give meditation instructions and teach from the three yanas on anger and related states of mind. She will use three sources: Buddha, who in the sutras, gave very specific teachings on relating to anger; Shantideva’s Courage of Patience chapter that illuminates a wise and compassionate response to understanding the sources of anger and the value of taming it and Pema Chodron’s teachings on anger from Go to the Places that Scare You.

This retreat will incorporate Dharma talks with group sitting and walking meditation. Every day will have two Dharma talks and several hours of Calm Abiding silent meditation. In this way, you will be able to safely observe anger within the context of sitting meditation and directly experiment with techniques of pacification, learning the wisdom of facing our fears and the healing balm of the Dharma. It is recommended that you come for the whole retreat as the Shantideva chapter will be woven throughout the weekend. You may come for the day only but please read the complete Shantideva Chapter on Patience so you are prepared if you miss the early talks.

About Khenmo Konchog Nyima Drolma
Abbess of Vajra Dakini Nunnery, Khenmo Konchog Nyima Drolma has trained with the foremost spiritual teachers of our time including H.H. Dalai Lama, H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche (the head of the Drikung Kagyu Lineage) and Ani Pema Chodron. After her novice ordination by Drikung Kyabgon in 1997, she spent two years in training at Gampo Abbey guided by Ven. Pema Chödrön. In 2002 she took full ordination as a Buddhist nun in Taiwan. In 2004 she was installed as a Khenmo (Abbot) in the Drikung lineage, becoming the first woman and first westerner in her lineage to officially hold this responsibility.  Since then she has worked continuously to establish Vajra Dakini Nunnery and teach the Dharma internationally.


Saturday December 9th
6am : Wake-Up Bell
6.30 am: Meditation
7.30 am: Breakfast*
8.00 am: Clean-Up Breakfast  / Personal Time
9.00- 11:30am:  Dharma Session
12 pm: Lunch*
2 – 4:30 pm: Dharma Session
5:30 pm: Lite Dinner
7 pm: Meditation

Sunday December 10th
6 am: Wake-Up Bell
6.30 am: Meditation
7.30 am: Breakfast*
8.00 am: Clean-Up Breakfast  / Personal Time
9.00- 11:30 am: Dharma Session
12 pm: Lunch*
2 pm: Closing Session
4 pm: Lama Chopa Tsog & Closing

*Breakfast and Lunch will be provided


For planning purposes please register by December 4th, 2017.
There will be space available at the temple (indoor camping) for those who would like to stay. Please contact us at info@gardrolma.org if you are interested.


$70 – 100 for the weekend
$35 – 50/day

(Includes Breakfast and Lunch)

As this is a practice commitment retreat, it is recommended to attend both days but if this is not possible you are encouraged to attend whatever amount of time your schedule permits.

We would like to invite you to register for the weekend by Monday, December 4th to help us with our planning. Thank you!


December 9, 2017
December 10, 2017
Event Category:


Gar Drolma
(937) 252-2220


Gar Drolma Buddhist Center
1329 Creighton Ave.
Dayton, OH 45420 United States
+ Google Map
(937) 252-2220


December 9, 2017
December 10, 2017
Event Category:


Gar Drolma
(937) 252-2220


Gar Drolma Buddhist Center
1329 Creighton Ave.
Dayton, OH 45420 United States
+ Google Map
(937) 252-2220