The Seven Supplications to Tara
Virtual Retreat with Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche
Seven Verses of Supplication to Tara Teachings
Once again, Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche resumes his commentary revealing the deeper meaning of a text close to his heart, the Seven Verses of Supplication to Tara. His in-depth explanation illuminates the meaning of this profound prayer composed by Lord Jigten Sumgon at the moment of his enlightenment. It exhorts Tara, who allays the fears of sentient beings, to help those with seven specific mental obscurations achieve the path to enlightenment.
The Seven Supplications to Tara is a profound prayer composed by the founder of the Drikung Kagyu lineage, Lord Jigten Sumgon. Known for removing obstacles, this devotional prayer to Tara encompasses the main points of the Buddhist Path. It exhorts Tara, the feminine Budddha of Protection, to help those with seven specific mental obscurations that are obstructions on the path to enlightenment.
In addition to the Supplication to Tara, Khenpo will be offering teachings and practice on, “The Parnashavari Sadhana from the Collected Works of Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon,” and Achi Chokyi Drolma practice with smoke offering practice to remove obstacles and create positive conditions.
Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche reciting the Seven Line Supplication to Tara

Video Library for the Supplication to the Ultimate IllustriousTara

This powerpoint is for your reference to follow with the Supplication to Tara teachings.
The Seven Verses of Supplication to Tara
Deity Yoga Sadhana (see pages 61 – 63)