Sunday October 7th
Time: 4:00-5:30pm
Dinner provided
Curious about what is going on at Gar Drolma? Want to ask questions or comment about programming? Or maybe you just want to join us for a meal and socialize!
If so, the Gar Drolma Board would like to invite everyone to a Sangha information sharing session on Sunday the 7th of October at 4:00PM. The meeting is scheduled to last 90 minutes and a pizza dinner will be provided!
Feedback from prior sessions of these meetings has been overwhelmingly positive so please consider joining in for an informative and fun evening with friends.
The agenda items for this meeting will be:
- Review of Recent Achievements and Successes
- Financial Overview
- Upcoming Activities
- Questions* & Answers
*In order to provide you with the most informative answer to your questions and best facilitate a timely session, please forward any question you may have ahead of time to one of the Board members or email us at (Of course you can still ask questions at the meeting, this request is more focused on a question you may have ahead of time).
With Kind Regards,
Khenpo, Deb, Mike, Michael, Mel, Trey, Mary and Gary