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Pith Instructions

May 11, 2018 @ 9:00 am - 5:30 pm EDT
Friday, May 11th, 9am to 5:30 pm
Saturday, May 12th, 9am to 5:30 pm
Sunday, May 13th, 9am to 5:30 pm
(Each day there will be a lunch break from Noon – 2:30pm)

Garchen Rinpoche will teach the pith instructions he received from his root guru Siddhi Chime Dorjee and Khenpo Munsel. These teachings will present the experiential understanding of these special instructions that Rinpoche developed over more than 20 years of rigorous practice while in prison. These teachings will include all aspects of the path including various practices of Dzogchen and Mahamudra.

Khenpo samdup explains the nature of these teachings as follows:

“It is important to understand the definition of pith instructions. Pith instructions are a very special teaching that is given from the root guru to his close students. These instructions are made up of few words but express a profound meaning and can have an immediate, transformative effect on the student’s mind. These teachings are not from a story from a 1000 years ago, they are from the 20th century, from a person alive today sharing his own direct experience and deep accomplishment. I was encouraged to request these teachings for the benefit of  many students now and in the future.

After receiving these teachings from Garchen Rinpoche, he will single pointedly bring them all together thru the instruction of Five Fold Path Mahamudra based on Jigten Sumgon’s Song of Realization., this will provide a path for students to be able to easily practice these instructions in their daily life.”

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Event Series Event Series: Pith Instructions


May 11, 2018
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Event Categories:


Gar Drolma Buddhist Center
1329 Creighton Ave.
Dayton, OH 45420 United States
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(937) 252-2220


Gar Drolma
(937) 252-2220