Guru Rinpoche Mantra Accumulation Retreat
March 28 – March 30 Mountain Time
Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche Invites the International Sangha to
Guru Rinpoche Mantra Accumulation Retreat
For the third year Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche invites all the sangha to the Mantra Accumulation (Padmasambhava) Retreat with HE Garchen Rinpoche.
Arrival: March 27th 1-5pm MST
Retreat: March 28th – 30th
Departure: March 31st 10am MST
Price range for the retreat is $330-$434, which includes accommodations, tuition, and meals.
This price excludes airfare, transportation and donations.
For more information:
Debbie or Elvira – [email protected]
If you are interested please complete this brief form to register interest to attend. (Note: you may be asked to allow cookies, if so, you may do so.)
*Note that submitting this form does NOT confirm your spot due to limited space. We will reach out to you to confirm your attendance and with further registration details.
Please make sure to complete this form by Monday February 3rd, 2025.
Please visit Garchen Buddhist Institute’s website for more information regarding the retreat, mantra accumulation and text.
Required: For those of you who have not received the Guru Rinpoche empowerment, please do so BEFORE the retreat begins. Click here for the empowerment from H.E Garchen Rinpoche.