Essence of the Mahayana Teachings
June 23 – Nov 3 2020
In coordination with sister sanghas, Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche begins a new course of teachings based on his commentary of Lord Jigten Sumgon’s Lam Rim text, Essence of the Mahayana Teachings.It provides deep insight into the path of the Sutras and Tantras that can ultimately lead to the realization of enlightenment.
During this retreat, we are referencing Khenpo Samdup’s book, Essence of the Mahayana Teachings, available in iBook or Kindle formats. Also available from our online bookstore , or search book in iBook bookstore under Essence of Mahayana Teachings or Khenpo Samdup
Video Library


The Essence of Mahayana # 1

Essence of Mayhayana #2

Essence of Mahayana #3

Essence of Mahayana #4

The Essence of Mayayana #5

Essence of Mahayana #6

Essence of Mahayana #7

Essence of Mahayana repairing vows July 21/2020 #8

Essence of Mahayana July 22/2020 #9

Essence of Mahayana July 28th, 2020 #10

Essence of Mahayana July 29, 2020 #11

Essence of Mahayana #12

Essence of Mahayana Aug. 5/2020 PM #13

The Essence of Mahayana Bodichitta and bodisatvas Aug 4/2020 #14

Essence Of Mahayana Aug 11/2020 pm #15

Essence of Mahayana Aug 12/2020 #16

Essence of Mahayana Aug 18/2020 #17

Essence of Mahayana Aug 19th 2020 #18