Bardo Teachings

with Khenpo Samdup Rinpoche

Saturday, October 9th, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm EDT

Khenpo will present teachings on the Bardo for a deeper understanding of the White Sur Offering called Pervading all Purelands.

Bardo denotes a “gap” or “transition” between one situation and another. It is commonly understood to refer to the time between the end of one life and the onset of another.

These transitions are thought to be significant opportunities for liberation and development, and the teachings present various techniques to exploit these opportunities.

*Please note there will not be a teaching on S‌un‌da‌y Oc‌to‌be‌r 10‌th from 1‌1:00a‌m-1:0‌0pm E‌DT.  A White Sur offering practice will be scheduled for S‌un‌day‌ ev‌en‌in‌g.

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